Immediate Dentures at North Shore Denture Clinic


Removable Partial Dentures | North Shore Denture Clinic

What are Immediate Dentures?

Traditionally, conventional Complete dentures (Full Dentures) require you to be without teeth for a considerable amount of time. Depending on the denturist's assessment, patients may undergo teeth removal and needs time to heal before wearing a complete denture. With modern improvements, it is now possible to wear an immediate full denture or a partial denture on the same day, immediately following the removal of natural teeth.


When do I need Immediate Dentures?

With modern advancement, you don't have to wait weeks before being able to wear your dentures and always have that perfect smile. Immediate dentures provide a temporary complete dentures to patients so your mouth can function while your gums and bones are still healing. It may add additional discomfort compared to conventional full dentures. Contact North Shore Denture Clinic if this is the right option for you.


Do I have to replace Immediate Dentures?

Your bone and gums will recede after teeth extraction. During the healing period, regular check-ups and maintenance will be needed to ensure no complications or problems occur. Adjustments will be made to make sure the dentures remain a perfect fit as your gum gets accustomed to the new false teeth. After the healing is complete, a complete denture may be recommended by the denturist to replace the immediate denture for a more secure fit.